It is always a distressing and trying time for the people involved when Family Law proceedings become necessary. Valerie Cotter of Valerie Cotter & Co. Solicitors in Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, recognises that fact, and responds by providing a service that is as compassionate and courteous as it is professional and effective.
Valerie will attentively listen to and carefully consider the circumstances that have led you to consult her about Family Law proceedings, whether they relate to:
- Judicial Separation/Divorce
- Childcare/Access/Maintenance issues
- Barring/Safety/Protection Orders for victims of domestic abuse
Valerie will advise on her recommended course of option and provide expert legal representation in the appropriate court jurisdiction, striving at all times to achieve the best possible outcome for you.
Valerie is a member of the Free Legal Aid panel for Family Law matters in Counties Kilkenny, Tipperary, Carlow, and Waterford, and so you may be able to avail of her services for free if you qualify for Free Legal Aid. Contact her for more details.
Judicial Separation/Divorce
A marriage breakdown is always difficult, and the two main ways of dealing with it are Judicial Separation and Divorce.
In Judicial Separation, the couple enter into a legal agreement by mutual consent. This agreement states the terms of settlement on issues such as the family home, child custody and access, finances, and distribution of assets.
An expert Family Law solicitor is necessary to mediate and draw up such an agreement, and Valerie Cotter assures you of the utmost levels of professionalism and attention should you choose her to do so.
If a divorce is sought, a Decree of Divorce must be obtained from the Circuit Court. A stringent legal process must be followed, and Valerie Cotter can guide you through this and represent you at all stages. Again recognising the sensitivity and difficulty of the situation, she advises clients in a practical manner about avoiding unnecessary conflict, while ensuring that their legal rights are upheld as the divorce takes effect.
Childcare Issues
Issues regarding custody of children and/or access to children can arise if a separation or divorce is less than amicable. Valerie Cotter can help you deal with such issues as they occur, either through mediation with the other party (and their legal representative, where necessary) or by application to the relevant court.
Clients are advised that the court will normally make an order which allows the parent who has left the family home to continue to spend time with their child or children. It is only in cases where the court believes this is not in the child’s or children’s best interests that access is denied. However, the order granting access can be quite strict in terms of time, place, duration, etc., of access visits, and whether or not they must be supervised. Valerie Cotter can help achieve the most desired outcome for you in such instances.
Valerie can also act on your behalf if issues arise over child maintenance payments. Again, she will advise on the best course of action, and represent you in court if necessary.
Barring/Safety/Protection Orders
As with all other issues of Family Law, instances of domestic violence are upsetting and traumatic for those involved. If you are the victim of domestic violence, Valerie Cotter of Valerie Cotter & Co. Solicitors in Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, will advise on the best course of action available to you. This normally involves applying for one of three court orders:
- A Protection Order, which is a temporary order made by a Judge to protect the victim of abuse while another application is being brought;
- A Safety Order, which compels the offender to cease making threats or committing any violence, either physical or mental, in the family home;
- A Barring Order, which requires the offending party to move out of the home and stay away from the victim.
Valerie can also advise and help you take action if any such order is breached by the person it has been taken out against. A breach of a barring order, for example, is a serious offence which can lead to a criminal conviction.
Valerie acts for male victims of domestic abuse as well as female victims. She assures them of a professional and sympathetic service in what are usually trying and perhaps even embarrassing circumstances for them too.
Contact us for Family Law Solicitors in Kilkenny
For advice on the matters above or any other Family Law issue, please contact Valerie Cotter at your convenience.